Sergeant at Arms – Bill Holden
§  Staff the Welcome Table at each Club lunch meeting.
§  Place banners, set up badges & sign-in sheet, evaluate and adjust as needed ambiance of meeting room.
§  Greet visiting Rotarians and Visitors and introduce them to members.
§  Maintain Sign-in List of visitors and guests and provide copies to Paul Spain, Michelle Rohan and Co-chairs Maddie Webb and Geri Chark Frankel.
§  Record members’ attendance at each Club meeting; Track make-ups, excused, leave of absences.
§  Inform Michelle Rohan & Co-chairs of any member in danger of not meeting attendance requirements and of Monthly Attendance Percentage (50%) for transmission to District.
Programs – Sebastian ROhan, Chair
§  Solicit ideas from members for program speakers.
§  Coordinate programs, dates and speakers for each Club meeting;  Send Speaker Guidelines to potential and scheduled speakers. Send updated copies of Speaker Schedule to AMP Co-chairs and  Communications/Publicity Committee monthly, or as changes occur.
§  Notify the manager at Harvest, in advance, of any AV equipment needed by weekly speaker.
§  Provide appropriate letters of appreciation to program speakers and speaker gifts.
membership – CLAIRE MCHUGH
§  Notify Maddie, Geri and Michelle Rohan of any potential new members who want to apply.
§  Conduct classification survey of all members and along with Membership Chair, assess area businesses’ opportunities for membership recruitment.
§  Supply members with materials to recruit new members and motivate regularly.
§  Announce 6 month members' blue badge status including their sponsor.
§  Working with soon-to-be assigned Mentor, educate all members on Club, District and RI programs, procedures and policies.
§  Take action to retain members who are not participating or not meeting attendance requirements.
Communications and Publicity – Geri CHark Frankel, Chair
Members: Dee Bertino
§  Send request to publish upcoming meeting dates and speaker information to Moorestown Sun 16 days before meeting date.
§  Co-ordinating with Maddie Webb, request or implement posts on AMP Facebook Page.
§  Contact Pam Parkinson weekly to request listing of AMP events/announcements in weekly emails to entire Rotary Lunch membership.
§  Contact Pam Minniti to request creation of AMP Meeting Invite
§  Develop and cultivate relationships with Media, Church, Community, School and Business leaders.
§  Work with other Chairpersons to identify opportunities for media exposure especially about Adoption of Dog Park.
§  Ensure club activities, service projects, programs, accomplishments attract positive Media attention and are placed in a timely manner on the AMP page on the Rotary Lunch website (Contact for website Pam Minniti until Geri learns how to edit it).
§  Coordinate picture taking coverage at all events.
§  Maintain Facebook page as an administrator on the page.
§  Develop Fact Sheets, advertisements and promotional materials; Make available as opportunities arise.
§  Provide information resource and communication vehicle to Club members, prospective new members, visitors and guests, maintain and modify as needed.
§  Develop and implement a long range public image plan.
§  Collect news and publish every month for electronic distribution about members, club, district and RI activities and events and upcoming programs, using weekly communications sent in newsletters and emails from Rotary Lunch and District.