Can’t get to the Rotary Lunch Meetings? Come explore our AMP (“Alternative Meeting Program”) that:
- Meets on the first and third Tuesday evenings each month
- Runs from 5:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. at Bayada Office, 1 West Main St. Moorestown
- Offers complimentary appetizers
- Features speakers on a variety of topics
- Gives you the opportunity to network with a group of volunteer-oriented professionals
- Shows you ways you can join our activities
- Let’s us get to know YOU!
Enjoy fun, food and friendship as you learn more about Rotary, the amazing service projects we are involved in, and the humanitarian impact we have made locally and across the globe.
TO RSVP, be added to our weekly emails, or for more information, contact Michelle Rohan at
Please check out our Facebook Page: Click here “AMP Rotary Club of Moorestown”
For AMP news and meeting schedule please visit our Facebook Page.
* (subject to change)
AMP Activity Highlights

The Spring Swedes Run Dog Park Clean Up was a success! AMP Rotary members picked up the poop, trimmed the borders around the small tree fences, and mulched around those trees. Thanks to all who turned out, including Nick The Cavachon, whose owner took this picture! And we appreciate the help from Kate's kids, Paul Spain from our Rotary Lunch Club, and special guest Elyse Brown!
At our October 16th meeting, AMP welcomed Darleen Blesi from Bancroft as our guest speaker. This is an amazing organization that supports people with brain injuries and autism. Visit their website at Thanking her for a very informative presentation is AMP's Adminstrator, Patricia Noonan.”

AMP is thrilled to announce the induction of Eileen Fuzer. Our newest member of AMP is the manager of the Wells Fargo Bank on Main Street. The ceremony took place at our meeting this past Tuesday evening. Pictured with her are Mike Wilson, President of Rotary Lunch Club (AMP is a branch of this club) and John Engleman a Breakfast Club Rotarian, who introduced the option of an Evening Rotary Group to Eileen.
Thanks for the recommendation John, for the officiating, Mike, and....Welcome, Eileen!”
Thanks for the recommendation John, for the officiating, Mike, and....Welcome, Eileen!”

AMPers making P B & J sandwiches for The Unforgotten Haven.
Below is a picture from the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life at Moorestown High School.

Below is a photo from June 5th meeting, showing AMP’ers celebrating the start of our second official Rotary Year as the AMP Rotary Evening Group.

Congratulations to Patricia Noonan (at right) - she received her Blue Badge last night, signifying 6 months as a Rotarian. Many thanks go to her for stepping up as Administrator for our AMP Rotary Evening Group so early in her membership! She ran a great meeting last night! Presenting her with her blue badge is MIchelle Rohan (at left), AMP Membership Committee Chair.

Many thanks to Nicola Hampton, Director of Administration at Hopeworks 'N Camden for speaking to us about this amazing organization that provides educational, mentoring and internship opportunities to highly motivated youths in Camden who are seeking a bright future as they pursue jobs in the tech industry. Find out more about ways you can get involved by either acting as a mentor, providing an internship or donating funds by visiting their Facebook page: hopeworksyouth.

Many thanks to Nicola Hampton, Director of Administration at Hopeworks 'N Camden for speaking to us about this amazing organization that provides educational, mentoring and internship opportunities to highly motivated youths in Camden who are seeking a bright future as they pursue jobs in the tech industry. Find out more about ways you can get involved by either acting as a mentor, providing an internship or donating funds by visiting their Facebook page: hopeworksyouth.

Gerald Tieyah, the Volunteer Service Manager from the South Jersey Food Bank spoke at our March 7 meeting. He is pictured here, receiving his thank you gift bag from AMP Co-Chair Maddie Webb.
AMP Meeting September 19th, Tina Fiorentino, Director, Ronald McDonald House, Camden NJ
Making dog toys for shelter animals.
AMP Past Speakers 2018
December 5 –Beth Wells, Family Engagement Coordinator, Family Support Organization
November 21 – Hands on Activity – Making dog toys for shelter animals
November 7 – Amy McLeer, Virtua Foundation
February 6 – Carlo Scaramella talks about Rotary International
February 20 – Victoria Schall – Semper Fido: Organization that provides service dogs to wounded veterans with traumatic brain injuries
March 6 – Will Merriken and John O’Meara talks about the Rotary Foundation
April 17th - Speaker: American Cancer Society; Representative Alex Basseches
May 1st - Toni Farmer, Director of Marketing and Development Urban Promise
June 5th - Christopher Chesner- Fire District Administrator of Moorestown