When & Where?
Our Moorestown Club meets every Thursday at The Moorestown Community House from 12:15-1:30pm. 
Why Join? 
3 Key Reasons: Service to others, Fun, business networking.
What is the financial commitment? 
Annual dues ($227 per year), Initiation fee ($100) and meal costs billed quarterly 
(Lunch - $195).
How do I join? 
Be our guest at Rotary Lunch. 
Contact: Pam Parkinson for more information (pamelaparkinson@comcast.net) or Susan Batastini (susanbatastini13@gmail.com)
You are always welcome to attend any club meeting as a guest of the Club to see “what’s going on”.   Please join us!
Want to learn more about Rotary? 
Go to Rotary International’s website - www.rotary.org
- We work with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the US Centers for Disease Control 
and Prevention, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and national governments toward 
our top goal of eradicating polio worldwide.
- We also focus our time, energy, end efforts on service projects internationally and locally, encompassing the following:
• Water and sanitation
• Maternal and child health
• Basic education and literacy    
• Economic and community development
• Scholarships awarded yearly to local high school students
• Dictionaries given to all Moorestown third graders each year
• Clean-ups... food and clothing drives...  volunteer opportunities


Get Involved in Community and International Service!
You’ll Feel Better and Live Better!